Our Qatarization strategy consists of attracting Qatari nationals to work at Qatar Steel, developing the skills and qualifications of each Qatari employee through a clear training and development plan, and retaining Qatari employees by providing competitive benefit plans. These efforts are overseen by Qatar Steel’s Qatarization Steering Committee.
For further information, please check our Qatarization Portal.
Attracting Qatari Nationals
At Qatar Steel, we work continuously to attract more Qatari talent to our workforce. This is accomplished through several channels that combine to enhance Qatar Steel’s visibility to all Qataris as an employer of choice. Our goal is to achieve an overall 10% increase in Qatarization each year. We acknowledge that this target presents some difficulties, but we are confident that our focus on attracting, developing, and retaining Qataris will help us meet our goal.
In 2014, Qatar Steel participated in approximately 6 events and open days focused on prospective Qatari employees, and the company received over 411 CVs, 12 of which were accepted.
Qatar Steel Career Open Day

In pursuit of greater Qatarization, Qatar Steel organised a career open day on 27th September 2014, at the Marriott Hotel in Doha. The aim of the event was to familiarise Qatari graduates with available job opportunities and the academic qualifications required for each, as well as to brief them on available training programmes. A team from our Human Resources and Learning & Development departments met the students and responded to their questions.
After the event, applications were assessed and categorised according to the disciplines involved, including qualifications in different areas. The total number of applicants of both genders was 136, including a combination of university graduates,secondary education graduates, diploma holders, and master’s degree holders. We also received applications for our scholarship and internship programmes.

‘Our HR Department constantly and persistently does its utmost with a view to raising the percentage of Qatari manpower. Qatar Steel provides promising job opportunities to young Qataris and grants them attractive job benefits, helping them to be successful in their careers.’ Mr. Kefah Mustafa Al-Mulla Administration Division Manager
Development and Retention of Qatari Employees
Attracting Qatari nationals is only one part of our Qatarization efforts. It is also vital to ensure that we retain Qatari talent by offering competitive pay packages and ongoing career development opportunities. We work diligently to build Qatari human resources by providing highly specialised training and development programmes with the right balance of theory, practical application, and industry best practices. An example of such opportunities includes, specialised language tutors to support Qataris in improving their skills in speaking and writing the English language.
We also encourage our Qatari employees to pursue higher education. In 2014, Qatar Steel sponsored 17 Qatari employees and provided scholarships to 6 Qatari students, enabling them to pursue education in universities in Qatar, the United Arab Emirates,Egypt, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Jordan.

Sponsorship and Scholarship Programme: For Qataris
To support the career development objectives of Qatari nationals, Qatar Steel offers scholarships to those who are highly motivated to take up university studies, including Qatar Steel employees with a high school qualification seeking higher positions.
We also sponsor Qatari students’ education in universities and colleges, both inside and outside Qatar, which are accredited by the Supreme Education Council (SEC). As required, administrative and financial support is provided to all sponsored students to ensure that the highest standards of education are attained, allowing the students to both develop their careers successfully and contribute effectively to Qatar Steel’s future growth.
In 2014, Qatar Steel provided 6 scholarships to Qatari students and 17 sponsorships to Qatari employees.
Country | Category of Degree | Sponsorships | Scholarships |
Qatar | Administration | 2 | -- |
Technical | 8 | -- | |
Environment | 1 | -- | |
UAE | International Relations | -- | 1 |
Technical | 1 | -- | |
Egypt | Administration | 1 | -- |
USA | Technical | 1 | 1 |
Administration | -- | 1 | |
UK | Technical | 2 | 3 |
Jordan | Administration | 1 | -- |

While develpoing our 2014 Sustainability Report and its online version, we were awarded the 2014 Annual Qatarization Certificate for Supporting Qatarization during a ceremony held by His Excellency Dr. Mohammad Bin Saleh Al Sada, Minister of Qatar Energy and Industry.
Qatari Internship Training Programme
Qatar Steel’s Internship Training Programme provides Qatari students of universities or technical schools with the opportunity to learn about work in technical and non-technical departments at Qatar Steel. Lasting up to two months, the programme is designed to complement students’ academic education with practical implementation of knowledge through direct exposure to real-time work experiences. It also helps to increase students’ awareness and knowledge of different functions and processes at Qatar Steel.
In 2014, Qatar Steel hosted a total of 17 applicants as part of its Internship programme to help prepare students to work effectively in the business world after graduation, gaining real-world experience, by observing and participating in day-to-day operations in professional settings. The majority of these internships were granted to students from Qatar University (5 students) and Qatar Independent Technical School (4 students).